Expert Treatment for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - Accredited CBT Specialists for OCD

Problems with intrusive thoughts, obsessional worry or doubt and compulsive checking behaviours, are normally strong clinical indicators for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). 

In spite of the confusing and often contradictory information available on the web, the recommended treatment of choice for OCD spectrum related problems is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). In addition to mainstream CBT, special forms of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy known as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Metacognitive Therapy and Inference Based Therapy have been found to be particularly effective in the treatment of OCD. Exposure Response and Prevention (ERP) also forms an integral part of the CBT treatment process, providing a well established behavioural strategy for reducing OCD compulsions. 

We specialise in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and all recognised OCD subtypes. This includes contamination OCD, harm and checking OCD, primarily obsessional OCD, Orderliness and symmetry OCD and the related problem of compulsive hoarding. We are fully qualified and professionally accredited by the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy - BABCP, which is the recognised UK professional body for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.  To talk to one of our OCD specialists, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or complete our contact form

Contamination OCD

Contamination based OCD involving obsessional worry about germs  and other forms of physical or mental contamination. This can be linked to health obsessions and frequently leads to superstitious or magical thinking, excessive checking and cleaning behaviours.

Harm OCD

Harm based OCD involving intrusive or disturbing thoughts about causing or being responsible for preventing harm to others. This frequently involves highly distressing worry, self-doubt and patterns of avoidance and reassurance seeking behaviours. This can also include specific worry about harm or danger to children.

Pure "O"

Primarily Obsessional OCD, also referred to as Pure “O”. This is mainly an internal mentalised form of OCD involving excessive worry, rumination and self-doubt. Whilst it is commonly assumed that this form of OCD does not involve compulsions, Pure “O” also includes internal attempts to stop, avoid, neutralise or control obsessional thoughts. The OCD compulsions still exist, but in an internalised form.

Relationship OCD

Relationship OCD involves excessive worry and doubt about relationship commitment and compatibility. Like other . OCD presentations, the individual’s attachment experiences and irrational beliefs about relationships can profoundly influence ROCD obsessions and compulsive behaviours. ROCD frequently leads to relationship difficulties and breakups, causing significant distress for the sufferer and their partner.

Real Event OCD

Real event OCD has more recently been used to describe obsessional worry and rumination about past events or memories. This can involve an obsessional fixation with past mistakes, or continuous attempts to replay, interrogate or test memories. In addition to high levels of anxiety, real-event OCD can be linked to guild or shame and significantly influenced by early maladaptive schema or personal rules and beliefs. 

Sensorimotor OCD

Sensorimotor and hyperawareness OCD are a physicalised form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Sensorimotor typically involves an obsessional focus on body sensations or physiological functions and hyperawareness OCD is linked to testing external senses such as sounds, visual stimuli or smells. Hyperawareness OCD can also be confused with hyperacusis and Misophonia, so it’s important to obtain an accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Scrupulosity OCD

Scrupulosity OCD involves obsessional worry  about sins and violations of religious or moral rules. As worry is focused on faith or ethical issues, the obsessions are impossible to test or disprove , leading to excessive praying, mental or physical purification, reassurance seeking and acts of self-sacrifice to neutralise the worry.

Sexuality OCD

Sexuality OCD involves worry and self-doubt about one’s sexuality or attraction to others outside the individual’s known sexual preferences. This frequently involves self-checking and worry about arrousal.

Orderliness and Simitry OCD

·       Orderliness and Symmetry OCD, also known as “Just So” OCD involves anxiety and discomfort when things are out of sequence, symmetry or balance. This is characterised by intrusive and obsessional thoughts about disorder and compulsive arranging, organising or visual alignment behaviours.

Existential OCD

 Existential OCD is similar in nature to Scrupulosity OCD and involves obsessional thoughts about theoretical, hypothetical or philosophical questions that cannot possibly be answered. This frequently involves attempts to disprove or figure out doubts about consciousness, life, meaning or existence itself. 

Magical Thinking OCD

Magical Thinking OCD involves intrusive and obsessional thoughts about superstitious or fatalistic worries and compulsive behaviours in an attempt to prevent or neutralise future possible harm, negative events or bad luck. 

Pedophhilia OCD

Pedophilia OCD also known as POCD, involves obsessional worry avoidance, checking and reassurance seeking behaviours relating to worries about being attracted to children. This is a highly distressing form of OCD linked to repugnant intrusive doubts about the shame and stigma of opposite and inappropriate attraction.